
Where Practicality Meets Luxury

divine design center, custom cabinetry, custom kitchens

(Photography: Keitaro Yoshioka)

It’s no secret that kitchens are the heart of the home, serving as a buzzing hub for gathering, 娱乐, and culinary pursuits. 现在, 在策划梦想厨房时,有无限的可能性, with the demand for bespoke designs continuing to grow. 定制橱柜和储物柜正在厨房设计领域掀起一股风暴. With customized features, 房主可以根据自己的具体需求定制橱柜和储物柜的各个方面, 首选项, 和风格. Custom cabinetry and storage can also optimize space, 最大限度地提高容量和功能,减少混乱,创造平静的心态. 这些元素采用高质量和耐用的材料,既美观又实用. 下面的厨房设计证明了真正的奢华超越了外表, where functionality and convenience are the ultimate luxuries.

Divine 设计 Center

In this gorgeous custom kitchen designed by Divine 设计 Center and Kristin Conrad, functionality is woven into every nook. 从地板到天花板的储物架是一个橱柜风格的冷藏区, 定制的核桃芦苇图案创造了3D视觉纹理,为日常用品增添了一丝精致.

divine design center, custom cabinetry, custom kitchens
The tall cabinetry reveals stained walnut, led照明的拉出式抽屉,打开时增加了额外的魅力. For special occasion kitchenware, overflow storage hails discretely above the refrigerator, easily accessible by footstool.

divine design center, custom cabinetry, custom kitchens

The island's unique asymmetrical design, with its one-sided natural stone waterfall, adds depth and visual interest, making the space feel larger 和更多的 dynamic. Serving as both a focal point and a storage hub, the island cleverly conceals a dishwasher, 垃圾内阁, and additional pull-outs beneath. For stress-free culinary pursuits, multi-faceted deep drawers hug each side of the range, and echo the look of adjacent cabinetry.

(Interior 设计: Kristin Conrad, Kitchen Cabinetry & Millwork: Divine 设计 Center, Photography: Austin Wilder)


DOCA波士顿 takes an artisan approach to kitchen design, 采用橱柜和分区作为建筑元素.

DOCA波士顿, custom cabinetry, custom kitchensIn response to evolving design trends, DOCA goes beyond the standard, 提供定制选项,如天花板高的橱柜和利用口袋门灵活的空间管理. 拥有定制的木制品服务和内部安装团队, the possibilities are endless, even in tighter urban living spaces. 

DOCA波士顿, custom cabinetry, custom kitchens他们致力于为每个客户提供量身定制的独特品味和生活方式的厨房体验, DOCA offers an unparalleled level of customization. This includes custom millwork to create bespoke cabinetry, 分区, 门的样式, 地板, 和更多的. “现在, 人们更愿意把自己的个性融入厨房,” says Travis Moore, Senior 设计er at DOCA波士顿.

DOCA波士顿, custom cabinetry, custom kitchens

DOCA推崇一系列风格,并以弥合传统和现代厨房之间差距的过渡元素而闻名. Situated at 20 Boylston Street in Brookline, 他们非常显眼的角落位置是发现和帮助制作完美梦想厨房的完美目的地.

(Photography: Warren Patterson)

Jewett Farms + Co.

在这个家中,永恒而经典的厨房设计由 Jewett Farms + Co. 灵感来自于原始的树木和乡村地区,围绕着家.

jewett farms, custom cabinetry, custom kitchens宁静的绿色和灰色色调以及大理石台面装饰着手绘胡桃木橱柜, 哪一个包含了丰富的功能和有用的定制构建细节.

jewett farms, custom cabinetry, custom kitchens

These include custom dividers, 香料插入, a pull out pantry, appliance panels, and hand hewn floating shelves. 口袋门可以灵活地展示漂亮的传家宝或隐藏容易接近的小家电.

jewett farms, custom cabinetry, custom kitchens

At Jewett Farms + Co.在美国,每个厨房都是专门为客户建造的,没有预设设计的限制. With a team of highly skilled cabinetmakers on staff, each cabinet is constructed with care from start to finish.

the 设计 Studio

位于房子的中心,这个厨房是由 the 设计 Studio--is a busy hub for an active family. The kitchen is accessed through multiple points of entry, 是什么要求设计工作室团队在整个空间中创造一个易于移动的空间.

the design studio, custom cabinetry, custom kitchens

With clean lines, 纹理, and a calming color palette, the kitchen provides a beautiful, relaxed environment that serves many functions. 从地板到天花板,高高的定制橱柜为整面墙增色不少, housing cooking, a hidden pantry, a dog feeding station, and a command center for house paperwork.

the design studio, custom cabinetry, custom kitchens

有了一个存放所有东西的地方——所有东西都藏在光滑的橱柜门后面——家庭可以保持有序,避免混乱. A clean and tidy space like this is truly a luxury of its own!

(Photography: Jessica Delaney)

Newton Kitchens & 设计

在定制橱柜中加入玻璃元素是展示你最喜欢的玻璃器皿的绝佳方式, 菜, 和更多的. 设计的 Newton Kitchens & 设计 (NKD), this transformed kitchen is equal parts sleek and functional, with glossy surfaces and strategic transparency.

newton kitchens and design, custom cabinetry, custom kitchens

在厨房的一端,落地橱柜最大限度地利用了每一寸空间. 宽敞的窗户让自然进入,下面有额外的存储空间和柜台空间. A wine refrigerator is nestled into the kitchen island, which also serves as a central storage and dining area.

newton kitchens and design, custom cabinetry, custom kitchens

At Newton Kitchens & 设计(NKD), Pierre Matta and his wife Tricia, along with their small team, 将奢华与功能相结合,创造手工制作的橱柜和家具. 他们令人惊叹的厨房设计从传统到过渡和现代, blending an array of materials, 纹理, 和风格. 

(Photography: Dan Cutrona)


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